Tuesday, February 19, 2013


"Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys." — Rita Schiano

Too many people dwell on their problems rather than address them and move forward toward a new desired situation. The more you talk about it, the less time you are focused on making a change toward the better. The more you talk about problems, the more time is wasted on the issue with no solutions or results.

Talking about problems over and over and over again...... it becomes your reality.

Talking about problems over and over and over again......does nothing except create more problems.

Why do this to yourself?

Do you truly want change and to have peace of mind ?

Are ready? Then take these steps:

1) Talk to someone you trust once about the problem.

2) Pray/ Meditate. Look for the blessings and abundance you have with gratitude.

3) Look at your options.Write them down on paper. Choose what is best for you.

4) Develop a plan. Not sure how to ? Ask for help.

5) Take action. Action cures so much.

6) Follow through .No point going through the motions and not implementing the course of action.

7) Move on! You now have the tools to overcome any problems.

Real problems have solutions. False problems cause worry, pain and in time distract you from your goals. They are an illusion like fear (false evidence appearing real).

New sight and a fresh view will give your situation the"big" picture and make you realize nothing is impossible. Just think how courageous you are making this change!

Looking for solutions for your problems in life or business? Contact us today!

Have a topic you'd like us to address? Let us know below.

We'd love to help you take the "OUCH" out of business and life!

Sunday, February 10, 2013



Do you feel lost, alone and in need of help?
Have you lost your passion and joy?
Feel vunerable,depressed and empty, with no where to go? 

So many of us do.
It  is lack of new information, creative juice and atmosphere.
It is who you are associating yourself with. 
Yes, take a good hard look at who you are hanging around.

Do you know the +5 People Closest To You Affect Your Income, Your Happiness and Your Success? Your 5 closest friends could be bringing you down, causing you to fail, engaging you in things you should NOT be doing!

Know people who are always networking with the same people,same places and no one new?
Ditch them! Right NOW! They are happy to spin their wheels and smooze rather than work, create, make money. Behind your back they are taking you down on the +Titanic of Life!

Look for people who have a "full cup" and share with others.
Those who are engaged in investing in themselves, their work and future. 
Those who spend time educating, sharing, growing and teaching others to 
enjoy, life and expand their own lives.

Ready to be NOT be LOST IN SPACE?
Below are five things to do that will change your life and business immediately!

1) Stop being cheap in your business and life!
Hire someone already and invest in yourself (education, clothing,haircut, exercise, hobby, investing,business or lifestyle coach)

2) Stop hanging out at depressing networking events.
Start working, making phone calls, writing blogs, marketing your business and benefits. Get moving and doing!! Start right NOW!

3) Stop making yourself desperate for sales and marketing with your introduction.
You'll never get an appointment, meeting or sale this way!
You are acting like a whiny child,attracting nothing and setting yourself up to fail!                            
4) Stop hanging around negative people in your life.
Energy is opportunity! You can have high energy levels if you want to.
You got energy vampires around? Fire them, leave them, move on!

5) Stop making excuses! Really I am serious. Get real about your life and business NOW.
There is no time to waste. It is YOUR LIFE we are talking about here! 
Take some responsibility and make it happen.

Let's see what kind of progress YOU can make this week.
Drop us a note and let us know how it is going. We dare you!